Last newsletter I shared our survival through a catastrophic bushfire that ravaged Mallacoota at the end of 2019 into 2020. Now all of us are dealing with a worldwide pandemic and restrictions pertaining to Covid19. 2020 is definitely NOT the year we all anticipated but somehow we must stay safe, make the best of it and hope jobs and the economy are restored.
Mallacoota was just beginning to rise from the ashes to reclaim all that visitation and tourism attention we are so blessed with at holiday times. Folks were planning to flock to our wilderness-rich corner of Victoria for school holidays and Easter, ready to spend much-needed $$$ in our beautiful town. In fact, the campground on the edge of the inlet was already totally full with folks who had arrived early!
The 2nd ever Wild Harvest Seafood Festival was planned for this very weekend that I am writing to you. The organisers were hoping to build on last year’s inaugural success and begin to heal some of the town’s wounds of fire affected businesses.
Then Covid19 struck and travel restrictions were imposed. The campground closed and all visitors were asked to leave. The Seafood Festival is now postphoned until September.
Mallacoota is quiet now with locals staying inside between essential journeys for food, business and exercise. We check up on each other and deliver to those self-isolating.
With the enforced lack of visitation, the natural environment seems to be taking a huge deep breath. Trees are resprouting, slowly wildlife is returning post-fire. Everything took a hammering in the fire but signs of recovery are everywhere.
The removal of destroyed houses that once were homes but now look like flat packs, is underway. We all hope Covid restrictions don’t hold up this process. People who lost their homes need to feel they are moving forward.
Having a home-based workshop means it is business as usual for Alison Green Designs. I am busy printing, catching up on stock and filling orders. Post offices remain open as essential services so orders are going out as usual.

My heartfelt wish is that you all stay safe through 2020.